日本薩克斯風女神跨海助陣 女星爆「8年未見」訴感動心聲
作曲家暨薩克斯風演奏家潘子爵(Ruby Pan),去(2023)年發行第2張創作專輯《沒問題少女 Knot A Problem》,入圍第 35 屆金曲獎演奏類「最佳專輯製作人獎」,今年更將角逐第15屆金音創作獎「最佳樂手」,雙喜臨門的她宣布好消息,是10月19日在三創Clapper Studio舉辦專輯專場演出。
2024/10/03 16:16
專訪/WHIB嚇壞!鬼月來台沒敲飯店房門 全員驚呼台灣人太活潑
韓國演員公司C-JeS Studio旗下有薛耿求、羅美蘭、宋一國等A咖演員,現在跨足偶像界,去(2024)年推出源晙人男團WHIB,成員包含傑德、河勝、真範、劉建、李正、在和、仁弘跟源晙組成。明天他們將在統一時代百貨台北店演出,也趁著這次機會接受《TVBS新聞網》專訪。首度訪台的WHIB聊到對台灣人的印象,全員都直呼:「超活潑!」
2024/08/23 17:08
Taiwan’s Bojin Chen leads breakdancing into Olympics debut
Discover how Bojin Chen, a Taiwanese breaker and instructor, is leading breakdancing into its Olympic debut on Aug. 9, marking a historic moment for street dance culture worldwide.
2024/08/07 16:07
Studio Classroom founder Doris Brougham dies at 98
Discover the legacy of Doris Brougham, the founder of Studio Classroom, who passed away at 98, leaving a lasting impact on English education in Taiwan.
2024/08/07 09:28
Tsai meets with English education pioneer Doris Brougham
President Tsai Ing-wen meets with Studio Classroom founder Doris Brougham to discuss their love for pets and English education in Taiwan, highlighting Brougham’s 70-year contribution and welcoming her as a true Taiwanese citizen.
2024/04/30 13:38
Google Taiwan unveils plan to boost AI literacy
Google Taiwan’s General Manager Tina Lin announced plans to boost AI development in Taiwan by focusing on talent nurturing, community strengthening, and industry innovation. The company will launch Gemini College, offer an AI literacy program on YouTube, and provide tools like Google AI Studio and Vertex AI. Additionally, a Google Cloud Training program in 2024 aims to involve over 5,000 developers.
2024/03/14 14:30
K-pop star Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook confirm romance
aespa’s Karina and actor Lee Jae-wook are confirmed to be in a romantic relationship, as revealed by South Korean paparazzi "Dispatch." Both SM Entertainment and C-JeS Studio have acknowledged the couple’s budding romance. The two are currently getting to know each other better, with Lee Jae-wook filming while Karina balances her busy schedule.
2024/02/27 14:46
K-pop star Hyewon charms fans at Taipei meet-and-greet
South Korean actress and singer Kang Hye-won, known as Hyewon, delights fans in Taipei with a fan meet-and-greet event at Clapper Studio. Enjoy her serenading fans with popular K-pop songs and her humorous interactions, as she shares her love for food and local delicacies during her first personal visit to Taiwan. Experience the charm of this rising star as she crafts a memorable connection with her Taiwanese fans.
2024/02/19 14:38
1元帶走10萬Apple大全配!春節福袋開賣 超狂獎項一次看
農曆新年即將到來,除了換新衣,也要把握機會換新機~STUDIO A特別於新年期間推出抽獎活動,消費滿2,024元,就有機會把iPhone 15帶回家!此外,德誼數位也於即日起限量推出新春福袋(999元),不但內容物價值高達2,500元以上,還能一次收AirPods Pro折扣券、電池維修等16種超值優惠券!購買福袋同時還有2次抽獎機會,而且人人有獎,最大獎可用1元帶回總價值超過10萬元的Apple大全配!
2024/02/06 22:49
Tsai Ing-wen passes the baton in symbolic campaign ad
The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) campaign office released a campaign video titled "Together, On the Road," featuring President Tsai Ing-wen passing the reigns to presidential and vice-presidential candidates Lai Ching-te and Hsiao Bi-khim. Directed by Lo Ging-zim, the video utilizes advanced virtual studio technology to depict Tsai and Lai driving through Taiwan’s streets and alleys. Symbolically, Tsai hands over the car keys to Lai, signifying the transition of power, while Hsiao Bi-khim joins them in the passenger seat, representing their shared commitment to Taiwan’s democracy and freedom. All three individuals have been members of the DPP’s administrative team during their eight years in power, holding various posts and working tirelessly for Taiwan’s advancement.
2024/01/03 11:00
Vietnamese beautician illegally earns NT$1M in Taichung
A Vietnamese woman in Taichung, Taiwan, was discovered by the National Immigration Agency to have operated an illegal aesthetic studio for six years, earning NT$1 million. The woman, known as Ms. Pei, learned the craft from a compatriot after departing from her employer seven years ago. She performed unlicensed procedures such as double eyelid surgery, breast augmentation, and rhinoplasty. Ms. Pei imported unverified cosmetic injections from Vietnam and advertised her services on social media platforms, attracting Vietnamese and Indonesian customers seeking affordable beauty treatments. She was sentenced to one year and two months in prison by the Taichung District Court, but has the right to appeal the verdict.
2023/12/20 19:27
Taiwan election campaign yet to kick off: TPP’s Ko Wen-je
Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je declared that the election outcome remains uncertain and that the race will transform into a civic movement. Ko argued for amendments to the Assisted Reproduction Act, expressing concern that only the wealthy would be able to afford assisted reproduction procedures abroad. He hinted at a grassroots approach for the upcoming election, drawing parallels to the Sunflower Movement. Ko revealed his campaign staff’s advice to conduct rolling polls and release new results daily. Given the TPP’s limited campaign budget, Ko mentioned opting for cost-effective alternatives such as studio rentals for live streams and recordings. University students suggested Ko should be more cautious with his public remarks and intensify flash campaign events, but Ko reassured them with a message of mutual perseverance.
2023/12/07 21:08
小孩一律坐經濟艙!知名貴婦揭原因 結果奏效被讚有智慧
52歲前知名主播蔣雅淇,現為百萬暢銷作家,同時擔任蘋果手機晶實科技(STUDIO A)的台灣經銷商總裁,作為女強人的她,一手扶養寶貝兒女長大,近日她發限動與女兒同框,兩人正乘坐飛機,不過女兒卻未被升級成頭等艙,蔣雅淇也吐露實際在宣導育兒經,照片立刻受到廣大迴響,被大讚是有智慧的媽媽。
2023/08/10 16:02
4月22日是世界地球日,現在人人手一機還有很多的充電線材,丟掉也是浪費,如蘋果經銷商STUDIO A就推出線材回收舊換新活動最高可折抵100元,不用的主機則是可以折5.2萬。至於台灣三星則和黑潮海洋文教基金會合作,回收手機就捐100元,消費者也有機會抽中旗艦機Galaxy S23+。
2023/04/21 17:04
領紅包換3C!STUDIO A天天送i14、德誼送東京機票
今(21)日除夕夜領到紅包還可以為自己換一台新手機或電腦犒賞自己!只要在蘋果優質經銷商STUDIO A 門市消費滿2,023元,即可獲得1次抽獎機會,連假10天天天抽 iPhone 14,此外首度攜手 icash Pay,滿額加碼回饋 OPEN POINT 2050點,等於8.2%回饋,且同享 STUDIO A與中信LINE Pay卡3%回饋無上限。至於德誼數位Data Express推出「2023喜兔平安福袋」則是消費不到千元,有望抽中東京雙人來回機票。
2023/01/21 16:24
i14沒預購不要去直營店排隊 STUDIO A「這地區」2小時送到家
蘋果最新的iPhone 14系列及 Apple Watch終於將在明(16)日要正式開賣,蘋果在開賣日直營門市只提供官網預購的消費者取貨及展示機的體驗,不會開放現場購買。蘋果經銷商 STUDIO A 全門市除於當日提早於上午10:00時開放取機,針對台北地區會員首次提供官網購機「2HR快送」、「宅配」以及「線上一對一視訊教學」等多重服務。
2022/09/15 14:25
iPhone14今晚預約!這裡「LINE PAY回饋無上限」最高8%
蘋果今(8)日發表全新的 iPhone 14 系列手機,蘋果經銷商 STUDIO A 於 9月8日20:00起推出 「STUDIO A Apple秋季特別活動」,開放會員 iPhone 14系列、Apple Watch系新機預約外,即日起至9月30日期間凡於 STUDIO A 官網指定連結購買萬元禮券,即可額外獲得等值5%紅利回饋,搭配「中國信託 LINE Pay 卡」消費還可享 LINE Points 3%回饋無上限,總計高達8%優惠。禮券使用無效期,且可用於全產品,有1萬元、2萬元面額,各限量3000份。
2022/09/08 17:52
開學了!STUDIO A回饋10%、抽1折買iPad9
在後疫情時期,因應混和上課方式,科技產品的效能很重要,高中以下學校已經開學,大學開學也在倒數,蘋果經銷商 STUDIO A 9月推出開學大慶 《STUDIO A x LINE Pay 超級返校日》活動,持學生證使用LINE Pay購買APPLE系列商品滿額享最高2500元優惠券折抵,綁定指定信用卡再享LINE Points 3%回饋無上限,另因應今年教育部針對中、小學全面推行「生生用平板」計畫,STUDIO A也特別針對iPad 9 推出買就送觸控筆或藍牙鍵盤等最高72折的全配大禮組外,9月14日前還可參加「2022開學大慶-瘋返校雙重抽獎活動」,9位幸運得主可用1折優惠價格1050元將 iPad 9帶回家。
2022/09/06 17:50
雙11必搶7優惠!電商超殺最低1折起 1元領蘋果配件
2021/11/10 16:19
量販、3C賣場「黑色星期五」廝殺 哀鳳僅賣3千元
有美國版雙11的黑色購物節即將到來,許多業者都抓緊商機祭出優惠。好市多明起一連3天,全台13間分店將統一提早2小時開門,營業時間從8點至9點30分,連續營業12個多小時,完整的優惠內容則是明天才會揭曉。而蘋果經銷商Studio A也趕搭順風車,自明天起也是一連3天推出優惠,將有300多個福利機出清,包含iPhone SE、6S、7、8、X等機型。
2018/11/22 17:07
Apple特購日來了!僅限這天 iX現省7千元
只有一天!Apple Day特購日來了,STUDIO A公告一年一度的優惠,從今晚8時起到明晚11時59分,在全台門市使用LINE Pay付款可獲10%點數,綁定信用卡還享有最高20%回饋,適用全商品,買iX 256GB現省將近7千元;3C通路燦坤則在明日祭出iPhone8、iPhone X全系列現折2018元,Mac、iPad系列則是現折8%。
2018/01/30 23:30
iPhone X開賣 經銷商:預約人數創高
iPhone X今天開賣,蘋果經銷商STUDIO A首度全面採VIP預約制,STUDIO A表示,10月26日起開放會員上網預約登記,目前預約人數約iPhone 8的近兩倍,創下歷來最高預約量。
2017/11/03 20:27
iPhone 8拚買氣 首見開賣半個月送贈品
為拉抬iPhone 8買氣,蘋果經銷商STUDIO A首度祭出購買iPhone 8系列產品送無線充電器或無線充電行動電源優惠,STUDIO A坦承,歷年來初期新品都不曾有優惠或贈品,這是歷年首見大手筆。
2017/10/07 10:49
蘋果確定落腳101 STUDIO A訂4/17日撤退
蘋果直營店Apple Store登台已確定落腳台北101,傳出將包下購物中心一樓靠信義路化妝品區及B1上下二層占地400坪;原本在101地下一樓的經銷體系STUDIO A將於4/17日撤退。
2017/04/11 16:21
iPhone7紅色夯!STUDIO A開放會員預約
蘋果21日在官網公布將推出特別版紅色款iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus,響應對抗HIV病毒愛滋病計畫,蘋果授權經銷商STUDIO A從即日起開放會員搶先預約。
2017/03/22 19:16